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Information Sharing Toolkit CoverInformation Sharing Tool Kit, Second Edition
Robert F. Kennedy National Resource Center for Juvenile Justice & Juvenile Law Center, 2015

In 2015, the RFK National Resource Center and Juvenile Law Center (JLC) released an updated edition of the Information Sharing Tool Kit (first released in 2008) as a new online resource. This interactive website is designed to assist jurisdictions in creating and implementing information and data sharing initiatives to achieve better outcomes for youth involved in the juvenile justice system. The Tool Kit guides users through the consideration of relevant laws and policies, the purposes and value of information sharing, the appropriate limits on sharing, and how to minimize the potential negative collateral consequences of information sharing such as self-incrimination and net widening. Visit to learn more!

A_Guide_to_Legal_and_Policy_Analysis_for_Systems_IntegrationA Guide to Legal and Policy Analysis for Systems Integration
Jessica Heldman, Child Welfare League of America, 2006

Research has recently confirmed what practitioners have known for years: that there is a link between child maltreatment and delinquency and therefore the systems created to address these issues are undeniably related. The child welfare and juvenile justice systems often serve the same clients, respond to many of the same issues, and share many of the same goals. However, these systems have traditionally operated in seclusion from one another.