The Robert F. Kennedy National Resource Center for Juvenile Justice, led by RFK Community Alliance, provides consultation, technical assistance, and training to serve local, state, and national leaders, practitioners, and youth-serving agencies.
We partner with jurisdictions and communities across the nation to enhance system performance and improve outcomes for youth involved with the juvenile justice system, reinforced through our commitment to adolescent development science, best-practice methods and approaches, and evidence-based programs and treatment services.
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Throughout the country and abroad, we deliver intensive Technical Assistance and On-Site Trainings through the use of seminal frameworks that transform the youth justice system, with focus on:
Engaging in Impactful and Positive Probation and Youth Justice System Improvement – presented by the RFK National Resource Center
This new, brief video captures the methods and process through which your jurisdiction can undertake critical steps that produce significant improvements of the performance of your youth justice system. The video reflects the work that courageous youth justice leaders across the country have undertaken to produce important and necessary advances in their youth justice system using the Probation and Youth Justice System Review and also highlights the opportunity to analyze and reform probation and court staff policies and practices that ultimately produce outcomes for youth, families, and communities. Watch here!
On June 18-20, 2025, in vibrant San Diego, California, the RFK National Resource Center will host a dynamic 2.5-day National Symposium designed for multi-disciplinary professionals and youth-serving stakeholders committed to advancing youth justice transformation.
Through the formation of the Transformation of Youth Justice (TYJ) Practice Network, we are bringing together experienced and visionary practitioners from across the country who have championed reform within their local jurisdictions. Collectively, the TYJ Practice Network will share their experience and expertise to help shape the direction of practice and policy reform on a nationwide level.
Have You Scheduled an On-Site Training in Your Community?
To learn more about our training programs and how to bring our expert trainers to your jurisdiction, please click here.
Featured: Diversion and Alternatives Reform Team (DART) Training
The RFK National Resource Center is now offering training (length of training event TBD by local interests and priorities) to support state and/or local efforts to establish or enhance a comprehensive set of effective diversionary practices. We look forward to bringing this training to your community! Click here to learn more.
Have you listened to the Youth Justice Transformation in Action Podcast? Each episode focuses on an important topic that is currently impacting youth- and family-serving systems. Catch up on our first two seasons and listen to new episodes from Season Three, including:
Contact Us! Please reach out to our team to learn more about our work and how we can serve your community.
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Early registration is OPEN for the Transformation of Youth Justice Symposium, being held June 18-20, 2025 in La Jolla – San Diego!