A Message of Gratitude from our Associate Executive Director

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

As we continue to face these difficult and uncertain times, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the unique challenges you have faced as leaders within the fields of juvenile justice and child welfare. Neither of these systems stop due to an international pandemic. Youth still struggle. Families still struggle. And they continue to need your support during this chapter of our nation’s history – perhaps even more than ever. We know all of you have had to make difficult decisions about how to balance the weight of responsibility to youth, communities, your staff, and your own families.

Just as first responders and medical personnel are being thanked, we want to thank you and your staff and agencies for the unsung work you continue to do ‘behind the scenes’ and out of the media. You are also keeping youth and communities safe, and for that we praise you and extend our deepest gratitude and respect. Thank you for all you do. We are proud of this field and the passion and dedication exhibited by child welfare and juvenile justice professionals like you every single day – pandemic or not. There are many heroes in this story: you and your staff are among them.

Wishing you strength, courage, and hope as you enter this week.

With sincere gratitude,

Kari L. Harp

Associate Executive Director
Robert F. Kennedy National Resource Center for Juvenile Justice
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps

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