Building a Brighter Future for Dual Status Youth

In collaboration with The Children’s Partnership,we are excited to share our new roadmap, Building a Brighter Future for Youth with Dual Status: A Policy Roadmap Forward, which outlines useful policies, practices, tools, and frameworks supporting jurisdictions working to improve outcomes for youth with dual status. Our new report documents findings compiled at our April 2018 national convening, Developing a Trauma-Informed Roadmap to Prevent Juvenile Justice Involvement of Child Welfare Youth: A Moral and Fiscal Imperative, that brought together federal, state, and local leaders to identify solutions and opportunities to support the healthy development of youth in our child welfare system who have had contact with, or are at-risk of entering, the juvenile justice system. Our recommendations not only highlight the challenges we are facing, as evidenced by the findings, but also offer valuable insights into what more can be done to improve the experiences of youth with dual status. In promoting collaboration, innovation, and a culture shift, these recommendations seek to create a more responsive and equitable approach to support the healthy development of youth with dual status.

Click here to access this new resource!

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