For information on our upcoming Transformation of Youth Justice Symposium (June 18-20, 2025 in San Diego, CA) please visit:
Transformation of Youth Justice Symposium & Training Institute
Webpage | September 8-10, 2022 | Nashville, Tennessee
The Robert F. Kennedy National Resource Center for Juvenile Justice hosted a two-day Symposium and supplemental half-day Training Institute in the vibrant heart of Downtown Nashville. Presentations and other event resources are available in our Online Library.
Transformation of Youth Justice Symposium: Expanding Knowledge, Changing Practice, Achieving Outcomes
On September 8-9, 2021, in heart of Downtown Nashville, the RFK National Resource Center hosted a one-of-a-kind Symposium for multi-disciplinary professionals and youth-serving stakeholders seeking to learn, network, and become part of the nationwide movement to effectively transform youth justice and improve outcomes for children and families. The Symposium will feature research-based and evidence-informed practical reforms that can be replicated and applied by participants within their state and local jurisdictions. The event will also emphasize the importance of peer-to-peer learning and collaboration to identify common challenges and solutions that lead to meaningful, sustainable and measurable policy and practice change.
Transformation of Youth Justice Training Institutes
Participants who attend the two-day symposium can enhance their learning experience by participating in a half-day Training Institute session on Friday, September 10. The Training Institutes will offer five intensive and interactive sessions to provide a deeper dive into targeted areas of juvenile justice transformation. The Institutes will feature innovative leaders, practitioners, and your peers to ensure a dynamic and practical approach designed to provide specific strategies and action steps that can be replicated in your jurisdiction.
To learn more about these events, please visit:
Juvenile Probation Reform Academies
3rd Annual Juvenile Probation Reform Academy
Exclusively for Probation and Parole Professionals
Webpage | August 30-31, 2017 | New York, New York
Juvenile Probation Reform Academy
Held during APPA’s 41st Annual Training Institute
Webpage | August 29-30, 2016 | Cleveland, Ohio
April 2016 – RFK National Resource Center’s Inaugural Symposiums
Boston, Massachusetts – Omni Parker House Hotel
Dual Status Youth Symposium: Working Together for Our Children
On April 5-6, 2016 the RFK National Resource Center hosted its inaugural Dual Status Youth Symposium: Working Together for Our Children. This was the first of its kind national gathering of multi-disciplinary, youth-serving professionals to learn, network, and become part of the nationwide movement to improve outcomes for dual status youth. The Symposium provided a unique opportunity to experience and share the outstanding practice and policy progress made over the past fifteen years in addressing the challenges of effectively serving youth who touch both the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. Webpage | Presentation Resources
Probation System Reform Symposium: Advancing Practice, Changing Lives (Learn more!)
On April 7-8, 2016 the RFK National Resource Center hosted its inaugural Probation System Reform Symposium: Advancing Practice, Changing Lives. Juvenile justice system professionals from around the country are invited to attend this special event focusing on improving probation system performance and youth and family outcomes for those youth managed and overseen by our juvenile probation departments and court systems. The symposium will provide dynamic networking and interactive opportunities to learn from experienced colleagues about frameworks for effective probation practice, as well as challenges that confront practitioners and policymakers engaged in probation system reform. Webpage | Presentation Resources
Both events featured the foremost experts on the topics of data and outcome measurement, risk-needs-responsivity screening and assessment, trauma, evidence-based interventions, and inter-agency collaboration. Participants will be given tools to formulate an action plan for realizing improved youth outcomes, as well as needed fiscal savings in their communities.
Please contact Sorrel Lewis at