Meet Our Peer Mentors!

The RFK National Resource Center is delighted to offer Peer Mentorship, a valuable opportunity for leaders, practitioners, and collaborative teams from sites embarking on reform efforts to learn from the experience and expertise of the RFK National Resource Center’s Practice Networks. Members of Dual Status Youth (DSY) and Probation System Reform (PSR) Practice Networks represent communities from across the nation that have championed change, leading to enhanced system performance and improved outcomes for children and families. Practice Network Members have a deep understanding of the processes, challenges, barriers, and benefits of juvenile justice and child welfare reform efforts. With their on-the-ground experience, members of our Practice Networks are uniquely qualified to offer peer-to-peer mentorship, guidance, and support to other communities.

  • Click here to meet our Dual Status Youth Peer Mentors!
  • Click here to meet our Probation System Reform Peer Mentors! 
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