New Grant Awarded through the Second Chance Act


We are pleased to announce that the RFK National Resource Center has received a grant from the federal Office of Justice Programs under OJJDP’s Second Chance Act (Ensuring Public Safety and Improving Outcomes for Youth in Confinement and While Under Community Supervision). This substantial award recognizes the impact of our historical and current Probation System Reform focus (through our seminal Probation System Review framework and extensive experience in the field) and seeks to extend that impact to more state and local jurisdictions throughout the country over the next three years. Through this work, we will grow our opportunities to improve the performance of our probation and juvenile justice systems so that we effectively protect public safety and every youth may realize a future of positive opportunities as if each one of these youth were our own. Additionally, we will be partnering with several distinguished national organizations with an outstanding history for implementing critical facets of juvenile justice system improvements. These include the National Juvenile Defender Center, National Center for Juvenile Justice, Impact Center at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and the expertise of Dr. Keith Cruise, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Fordham University.

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