Episode Two: Assessments 101 – The Fundamentals (ft. Gina Vincent, PhD)

Episode Descriptions

Episode Two – BONUS 

Assessments provide valuable information for multiple decision points in the youth justice system. In this bonus episode of Youth Justice Transformation in Action, our Executive Director & host John Tuell and Dr. Gina Vincent discuss critical drivers for successful implementation, including the importance of developing policies and procedures, collaborating with stakeholders and building a strong data infrastructure. Listen to their discussion in this BONUS episode of Youth Justice Transformation in Action!
Season One: Episode Two – BONUS | Released: April 27, 2022

Assessments 101 – The Fundamentals (ft. Gina Vincent, PhD)

What is a juvenile risk assessment and a risk-need-responsivity approach? What are the benefits of using them? How can they assist us in decision making? When is the best time to assess a youth? And how can we as youth justice stakeholders, drive successful implementation? To answer these questions, host John Tuell interviews Dr. Gina Vincent about the evidence- and research-based tools and practices that can change system-related trajectories for youth. Listen to their discussion in this episode of Youth Justice Transformation in Action!
Season One: Episode Two | Released: March 31, 2022

About the Guest

Gina Vincent, PhD

Co-Director, Law & Psychiatry Program & Associate Professor, Implementation Science & Practice Advances Research Center (iSPARC), University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School (UMASS) | President, National Youth Screening and Assessment Partners (NYSAP)
Gina Vincent, PhD is Co-Director of the Law & Psychiatry Program and Associate Professor at the Implementation Science & Practice Advances Research Center (iSPARC) at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School (UMASS). She also is President of the National Youth Screening and Assessment Partners (NYSAP), a technical assistance center for assisting juvenile justice agencies with the selection and implementation of risk assessment, risk-need-responsivity, and behavioral health screening tools. She is author of the Risk Assessment in Juvenile Probation: A Guidebook for Implementation manual. She has assisted over 40 county or state juvenile justice agencies in their implementation of risk assessment instruments for decision-making and case planning. Additionally, she has received funding from NIMH, NIDA, the MacArthur Foundation, OJJDP, and NIJ for studies relevant to risk for reoffending, mental health concerns, and substance use disorders among youth involved in the juvenile justice system. This includes studying the implementation, impact on youth and the system, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness of the use of risk/needs assessment and risk-need-responsivity. She has over 75 publications in the areas of risk assessment, implementing risk-needs assessment in juvenile justice, adolescent substance abuse, callous-unemotional traits, and mental health symptoms.