Critical Keys to Successful Probation and Youth Justice System Reform (ft. Beverly Hoagland)
Episode Description
In this episode, RFK National Resource Center’s Executive Director, John Tuell, speaks with Bev Hoagland, Chief Probation Officer for the District #3J in Lancaster County, Nebraska. Through their interview, Bev highlights the key elements that led to improved system performance and youth outcomes in Lancaster County. John and Bev discuss the importance of incorporating brain science research in training and policies, the critical role of a program coordinator in probation and youth justice system reform, specific probation and court practices that produced impressive reductions in recidivism with associated positive behavior change among their probation population, and how implementation science assisted Nebraska with improving outcomes and ensuring sustainability of their reforms.
SEASON TWO: Episode One | RELEASE DATE: January 31, 2023
About the Guest
Beverly “Bev” Hoagland
Chief Probation Officer | District #3J Probation Office | Lancaster, Nebraska

Bev Hoagland has served as the Chief Probation Officer for the District #3J (Lancaster County, Nebraska) since February 2022. Prior to her current role, Bev began her career with the District #3J Probation in 1992 as a Juvenile Probation Officer and was later promoted to Chief Deputy Probation Officer in 2000. Bev has been instrumental in the development of the Continuous Quality Improvement process within the district and supported the district through the significant reform efforts which occurred as a result of the passing of LB 561 which led to the probation staff in the district growing from 19 to 62 and subsequently resulted in an increase from 500 to 800 youth under active supervision. In 2017, District #3J was selected to participate in a Probation System Review through the Robert F. Kennedy National Resource Center for Juvenile Justice. Bev has provided leadership to the district in these efforts and has worked closely with national partners to gain valuable knowledge around things such as adolescent development, the impact trauma can have on youth, collaborative leadership and Implementation Science. Bev has been a member of numerous state and local committees over the span of almost 30 years. Bev is currently a member of the AOPC Personnel Committee. Locally, she is actively involved in the Commercial and Sexual Exploitation of Children MDT, HopeLNK Lincoln/Lancaster Suicide Prevention Coalition and JDAI efforts in Lancaster County, and a of the American Probation and Parole Association. She was the recipient of the Lincoln-Lancaster County Women’s Commission Ambassador Award in 1999 and the Outstanding Probation Supervisor Award in 2014. Bev earned her bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Science from Midland Lutheran College. Bev and her husband, Ron, are the parents of two children, Garrett and Ariana. Some of Bev’s interests include working out, teaching cycling classes, reading, cooking, outdoor activities and anything else that is family related.